Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Pierogi Cake

Wait, what? Not to worry, we'll get there. 

Today's Technology Throwback: Texas Instruments

My children are fond of playing with ancient technological artifacts. For example, Bamm-Bamm uses the flip phone I had in college for his wake-up alarm. (He's very fond of its arrangement of Bach's Minuet in G.) Recently, His Blondness dug out something even older, and to my surprise, once I put in some fresh AAA's, it actually works. Behold, my 3.5-year-old son playing with my 21-year-old TI-83+ graphing calculator.

Hopefully he can re-write the program for the quadratic equation, which was sadly lost

I used it to quickly double-check Teen Queen's math homework, and it was like hanging out with an old friend. Okay, not nearly that good. But still nice.

Pinterest-Unworthy Photo of the Week: Bamm-Bamm's Birthday Cake

Bamm-Bamm turned 8!

Wait, that's a 5-month-old. Let's see an updated shot...

THAT kid is 8. You know, in this picture. Both kids are currently 8, because they're the same kid. 🤯

A few weeks ago, in the middle of a conversation about how much he loves pierogies, he requested a periogi cake for his birthday. "A pierogi cake?" I said. "Would it...taste like cake, or taste like pierogies?" His response: "How about both?"

I don't have much in way of cake decorating talent, but I thought to myself, "this kid has handled an entire mf'ing year of this pandemic like a champ. He can have whatever the hell kind of cake he wants." 

So I tried real hard. And he liked the end result! Mission accomplished. But (and I do hate to repeat myself), I don't have much in the way of cake decorating talent. So this was his cake.

You're welcome for the self-esteem boost, artsy folks

The "pierogies" are mini chocolate hand pies made with puff pastry and melted chocolate chips. The chocolate squiggles on the outsides are just that, squiggles, but darn if they don't look like M's, so I wish I'd thought to make them 8's instead. Oh well. We all enjoyed it. And Bamm-Bamm had an excellent day. Huzzah!

Coming Up...

In the next installment of this noble blog: I shall opine further about Dunkin, despite the fact that I honestly can't remember the last time I consumed anything from there. Should be a MUST-READ review.